Wednesday, November 27, 2019

No more FACES, no more Insights

For those who've followed me elsewhere,  Facebook and Wix, you'll know that I've been editing two newsletters for the past couple of years. Insights Journal, a retrospective on mental wellness; and FACES, dedicated to recovering substance abusers and their families/ friends.

These were both supported by Summit Pointe, a member of SWMBHA.

With new PTB in charge, changes have to be made. Always. Full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes. It ain't broke but we'll fix it anyway.

The newsletter changes are radical. The two focuses are "fused together"... in theory. In reality, the single focus of the new newsletter (to be officially titled next month) is to show "everyone" what resources are available in Battle Creek. That's all. No personal stories, no "this is what it's like living with fill-in-the-blank," no distraction therapy, no motivational quotes or articles. No interest-grabbing cover art. We won't even be listing local support groups anymore.

What we will be doing, is listing web sites for people to look up the information on their own.

And we'll be doing it in eight pages, twice a year. Not twelve to twenty pages, four times a year. TWICE. A. YEAR. I, personally,  refuse to call it a newsletter anymore.

The Client Advisory Committee is expected to be the Voice of the Consumer for Summit Pointe. So if you have ever enjoyed reading either the FACES or the Insights, please keep an eye out for their successor, and be sure to tell us what you think about the new format. Let's see how muted our voices will be.

1 comment:


    This is the best I can do. If anybody decides to send me stuff, they can go through you if they want. Especially if they have your Facebook information. Love you so much for posting this. Xoxo.
